Agfa Scala: the SOOC Live challenge

This post and its corresponding images have been percolating as a draft for many days, prompted by a challenge issued by SOOC Live last month to shoot in selected Fujifilm recipes. The challenge encouraged me to go out and shoot using Agfa Scala, a film I never heard about. But the more I read and listened to the video, the more I got curious.

According to the various online sources Agfa Scala is a black and white slide film that produces high-contrast, grainy images with a distinctive tonality. That would explain why I never tried this out — it’s a slide film! The film is known for its deep blacks and bright whites, as well as its ability to capture fine details in shadows and highlights. The images produced by Agfa Scala are often described as having a dramatic and moody look, with a wide tonal range and a sharp, grainy texture.

Here’s the Agfa Scala recipe from Fuji X Weekly:

Acros (Acros+Y)
Dynamic Range: DR100
Highlight: +4
Shadow: 0
Noise Reduction: -3
Sharpening: 0
Grain Effect: Weak
ISO: Auto up to ISO 6400
Exposure Compensation: -1/3 to +1/3 (typically)

I submitted one of these images to the SOOC Challenge and to my delight, it was featured in the latest SOOC Live video! See below for the video. (My image is at the 48:00 mark)

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